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Callate Sinfonola - El Palomo Y El Gorrión

Callate Sinfonola
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Label DLV
Catalog Number DLV-29
Recording Format 33
Genre Ranchera
Performer Listed on Media El Palomo Y El Gorrión
Recording Format 33
Side: A
Subject love, complaint, betrayal, despair, lament, reflection
Track Number 5
Label DLV
Country USA
Catalog Number DLV-29
Genre Ranchera
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History

Lyrics and paraphrase in English, as support material.

by Omar V. Salgado (not verified), 05/04/2023 - 21:04

¡Cállate sinfonola! No toques esa canción
Porque me estás arrancando pedazos del corazón
Esa canción me recuerda lo que en mi vida pasó
Una preciosa morena que con su amor me engañó.

Te quiero mi vida, yo te lo juro por Dios
Así me decía y me robó el corazón
¡Cállate sinfonola porque me vas a matar!
Tú cantas a todas horas y yo me pongo a llorar.

Te quiero mi vida, es una dulce canción
Mentira, mentira. Es la verdad del amor
¡Cállate sinfonola, porque me vas a matar!
Me muero pensando en Lola, si no dejas de tocar.


Shut up jukebox! Don't play that song, because you're tearing pieces of my heart. That song reminds me of what happened in my life, a beautiful brunette who cheated on me with her love.

I love you my life, I swear to you by God, she said to me and stole my heart. Shut up jukebox, because you're going to kill me! You sing all the time and I start to cry.

I love you my life, it's a sweet song. Lie, lie. It's the truth of love. Shut up jukebox, because you're going to kill me! I'm dying thinking about Lola, if you don't stop playing.

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