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Ni Hablar - Pérez Prado Y Su Orquesta

Ni Hablar

Matrix Number Currently Unknown. Label has alternate Catalogue number as well 51-5204-A. There are two copies of this 78. One is a black label with Dog and Phonograph picture and the other is a Purple label with silver letters and graphic.

Canción Completa
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Sello Victor
Numero de Catalogo 23-5204-A
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Pérez Prado, Damaso
Género Mambo Batiri
Acompañamiento Y Su Orquesta
Artista Pérez Prado
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Pérez Prado
Acompañamiento Y Su Orquesta
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: E+
Tema boasting, praise, dance, woman
Sello Victor
Numero de Catalogo 23-5204-A
Género Mambo Batiri
Staff Notes: Matrix Number Currently Unknown. Label has alternate Catalogue number as well 51-5204-A. There are two copies of this 78. One is a black label with Dog and Phonograph picture and the other is a Purple label with silver letters and graphic.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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