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Voy Pa’ Corea - Los Tres Reyes y Ovidio Ramirez

Voy Pa’ Corea

This corrido is a farewell from a soldier who is called to duty from the Government. He is going to fight in Korea. Corrido implies that he off to fight Communism. He takes along the vision of his girlfriend as well his mother. Cuco Borjas-Accordeon, Daniel Garzes-Guitarra, Raul Lopez-Contrabajo

Canción Completa
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Sello Rio
Numero de Catalogo R-146-1
Numero de Matriz R-146-1
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Garzes, Daniel
Género Corrido
Acompañamiento y Ovidio Ramirez
Artista Los Tres Reyes
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Los Tres Reyes
Compositor Garzes, Daniel
Acompañamiento y Ovidio Ramirez
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: E/V
Tema farewell, war, pride, male, valor, boasting
Sello Rio
País USA
Numero de Catalogo R-146-1
Numero de Matriz R-146-1
Género Corrido
Staff Notes: This corrido is a farewell from a soldier who is called to duty from the Government. He is going to fight in Korea. Corrido implies that he off to fight Communism. He takes along the vision of his girlfriend as well his mother. Cuco Borjas-Accordeon, Daniel Garzes-Guitarra, Raul Lopez-Contrabajo
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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