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Tragedia De Miguel E Ignacia Ozada - Segunda Parte - Lupe Martinez Y Pedro Rocha con guitarras

Tragedia De Miguel E Ignacia Ozada - Segunda Parte

Underline side. Miguel shoots Ignacia five times. No reason is given as to why he kills her. This is a very graphic and tragic corrido.

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Label Vocalion
Catalog Number 8402-
Recording Format 78
Composer Hernandez, J.
Genre Corrido
Accompaniment con guitarras
Subjects murder, crime, entreaty, coward
Performer Listed on Media Pedro Rocha Y Lupe Martinez
Composer Hernandez, J.
Accompaniment con guitarras
Recording Format 78
Condition: N-
Subject murder, crime, entreaty, coward
Label Vocalion
Catalog Number 8402-
Genre Corrido
Staff Notes: Underline side. Miguel shoots Ignacia five times. No reason is given as to why he kills her. This is a very graphic and tragic corrido.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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