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Antonio Aguilar

Antonio Aguilar

Notes & History

Antonio or Tony

de Agustin Gurza, 07/11/2017 - 18:38

Jennifer: I think you’re right.  The Tony Aguilar on Aldia Records is not the same as the famous ranchera singer and film actor Antonio Aguilar. Thanks to your comment, I also found another recording by a Tony Aguilar on the Alisabel label, who is also wrongly identified as Antonio Aguilar. We appreciate your help and we will correct the errors as soon as we can confirm them.

One side note: Early in his career, Antonio Aguilar sometimes went by Tony. I found a Seeco 78-rpm record in the database, which identified him with a slightly different spelling, Toni Aguilar. This may be an error by the label, which was based in New York and specialized in salsa music (before the term salsa existed). Occasionally, Seeco would license Mexican music from labels in Mexico for release in the U.S. That appears to be the case here, because the Toni Aguilar tracks were recorded in Mexico, as the label indicates, with backing by the famed Mariachi Pulido.

It gets tricky, as you can see, and getting all the information straight requires specialized knowledge, along with the help from informed listeners like yourself. 


Agustín Gurza, Editor



Antonio Aguilar

de Jennifer Vaughn (not verified), 07/05/2017 - 10:09

I believe the Tony Aguilar on Aldia records is different from the more famous Antonio Aguilar. Is it possible to disambiguate the 2 people?

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