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Los Tremendos Vagos De Carlos Casas

Los Tremendos Vagos De Carlos Casas

Notes & History

Los Tremendos Vagos de Carlos Casas

de Rudy Rodriguez (not verified), 01/17/2023 - 20:01

Rafael Moraga was my grandfather and he and his friends made incredible music. Thank you for sharing and honoring their passion and other artist that might be lost in time.

Line up:
Rafael Moraga - guitar/gritos
Adolfo Hernandez - Singer
Carlos Casas - saxaphone
Rico Barrara- Drums
Unknown - Guitar


de Faviola Sifuentes (not verified), 04/17/2020 - 20:31

Carlos Casas was my grandpa. This was amazing to see. I have a couple of his records.

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