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Corrido De Tenochtlen - Gabino Palomares Grupo Canek

Corrido De Tenochtlen

Arreglos Y Acompañamiento: Grupo Canek. There is a skip in this transfer due to imperfections on 45. This is lament about the singers hometown and how everything is drying up and will soon be desert. Also mentions that how everything that is harvested goes to the Government.

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Numero de Catalogo A-1
Formato de grabación 45
Compositor Santander, Felipe
Acompañamiento Grupo Canek
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Gabino Palomares
Compositor Santander, Felipe
Acompañamiento Grupo Canek
Formato de grabación 45
Condición: E
Tema complaint, lament, city, nature, reflection, migrant, labor
Numero de Catalogo A-1
Staff Notes: Arreglos Y Acompañamiento: Grupo Canek. There is a skip in this transfer due to imperfections on 45. This is lament about the singers hometown and how everything is drying up and will soon be desert. Also mentions that how everything that is harvested goes to the Government.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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Other Recordings by Gabino Palomares