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Decimas De San Quintin - Paquito Cartagena con Jose R. Ortiz y sus Compadres

Decimas De San Quintin

A la memoria de Caryl Chessman. There are two 78s present. This is about the execution of Caryl Chessman in San Quentin. He was killed by the gas chamber. Song states that he was the best lawyer the world has ever known. He was given a death sentence for almost killing a woman.

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Sello C.M.C.
Numero de Catalogo 210-A
Numero de Matriz M-210A
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Ortiz, José R.
Género decima jíbara
Acompañamiento con Jose R. Ortiz y sus Compadres
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Paquito Cartagena
Compositor Ortiz, José R.
Acompañamiento con Jose R. Ortiz y sus Compadres
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: E+
Tema execution, death, praise, valor
Sello C.M.C.
Numero de Catalogo 210-A
Numero de Matriz M-210A
Género decima jíbara
Staff Notes: A la memoria de Caryl Chessman. There are two 78s present. This is about the execution of Caryl Chessman in San Quentin. He was killed by the gas chamber. Song states that he was the best lawyer the world has ever known. He was given a death sentence for almost killing a woman.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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Other Recordings by Paquito Cartagena