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Dime - Juan Manuel Carreon


(Catalog Number Taken From The Lead Out Grove). Arranged And Produced By Joe Cueto. Executive Producers: Teresa Gallardo, Cecilia Ortiz. There is no catalog number so used the number in lead out groove for cataloging purposes.

Canción Completa
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Audio excerpt
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Numero de Catalogo 9447-A
Formato de grabación 45
Compositor Acosta, Manuel G.
Temas love, declaration
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Juan Manuel Carreon
Compositor Acosta, Manuel G.
Formato de grabación 45
Condición: N-
Tema love, declaration
Record Producer
Joe Cueto
País USA
Numero de Catalogo 9447-A
Location of Label:
366 Buena Vista El Paso, Texas 79905
Staff Notes: (Catalog Number Taken From The Lead Out Grove). Arranged And Produced By Joe Cueto. Executive Producers: Teresa Gallardo, Cecilia Ortiz. There is no catalog number so used the number in lead out groove for cataloging purposes.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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Other Recordings by Juan Manuel Carreon