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Los Tarzanes - Manuelita Arriola con Mariachi

Los Tarzanes

The recording quality of this song very poor, the horns sound like they are playing in a different room. The vocal tend to distort as well. Los Tarzanes is the Mexican equivalent to the Pachucos.

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Sello Peerless
Numero de Catalogo 1770
Numero de Matriz 1254-41
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Briseño, Severiano
Género Canción
Acompañamiento con Mariachi
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Manuelita Arriola
Compositor Briseño, Severiano
Acompañamiento con Mariachi
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: N-
Tema praise, beauty, boasting
Sello Peerless
País USA
Numero de Catalogo 1770
Numero de Matriz 1254-41
Género Canción
Staff Notes: The recording quality of this song very poor, the horns sound like they are playing in a different room. The vocal tend to distort as well. Los Tarzanes is the Mexican equivalent to the Pachucos.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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