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Pueblo Infernal - Julio Casas

Pueblo Infernal

This corrido takes place in a Pueblo named Infernal. Many people died in huge fire. Nobody would go there because it was well guarded by machine guns. There they grew alot of Marijuana. The federales showed up with guns drawn and blew up a gas line it exploded. Many people died in the ensuing fire.

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Sello Joey
Numero de Catalogo 561-B
Formato de grabación 45
Compositor Adame, Efren R.
Género Corrido
Artista Julio Casas
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Julio Casas
Compositor Adame, Efren R.
Formato de grabación 45
Condición: N-
Tema drugs, contraband, death, murder
Sello Joey
Numero de Catalogo 561-B
Género Corrido
Location of Label:
6703 W. Commerce St. San Antonio, Texas 78227
Staff Notes: This corrido takes place in a Pueblo named Infernal. Many people died in huge fire. Nobody would go there because it was well guarded by machine guns. There they grew alot of Marijuana. The federales showed up with guns drawn and blew up a gas line it exploded. Many people died in the ensuing fire.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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