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Que Te Ha Dado Esa Mujer? - Trovadores Mexicanos

Que Te Ha Dado Esa Mujer?

Matrix number in shelac reads W 402624 B. There are two 78 present but both discs are different recordings and masters. This 78 was recorded later than the other. Both recordings share same Title and catalogue number but the matrix number is different. This was recorded later 1929, later than the other that was recorded earlier in the same year.

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Sello Okeh
Numero de Catalogo 16383
Numero de Matriz 402624
Formato de grabación 78
Género Canción
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Trovadores Mexicanos
Formato de grabación 78
Recording Date 11/04/1929
Condición: E-
Tema love, complaint, despair
Sello Okeh
Numero de Catalogo 16383
Numero de Matriz 402624
Género Canción
Staff Notes: Matrix number in shelac reads W 402624 B. There are two 78 present but both discs are different recordings and masters. This 78 was recorded later than the other. Both recordings share same Title and catalogue number but the matrix number is different. This was recorded later 1929, later than the other that was recorded earlier in the same year.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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