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Barradita - Medina, Lara, Y Novello Trio Yucatecas Con Acompañamiento De guitarras


Loud surface noise due to wear. The title on the label is mispelled. “Barradita” is what the label says but in the song it is “Borradita”.

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Label Vocalion
Catalog Number 8253
Recording Format 78
Genre Canción
Accompaniment Trio Yucatecas Con Acompañamiento De guitarras
Performer Listed on Media Medina, Lara, Y Novello
Accompaniment Trio Yucatecas Con Acompañamiento De guitarras
Recording Format 78
Condition: N-
Subject unrequited, love, declaration, despair, entreaty
Label Vocalion
Catalog Number 8253
Genre Canción
Staff Notes: Loud surface noise due to wear. The title on the label is mispelled. “Barradita” is what the label says but in the song it is “Borradita”.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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Other Recordings by Medina, Lara, Y Novello