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Cuando Vuelva A Tu Lado - Oscar Martinez Y Orquesta

Cuando Vuelva A Tu Lado
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Label Gabe
Catalog Number B-1015
Recording Format 45
Genre slow cha cha
Accompaniment Y Orquesta
Performer Oscar Martinez
Performer Listed on Media Oscar Martinez
Accompaniment Y Orquesta
Recording Format 45
Condition: N-
Subject instrumental, orchestra, trumpet, saxophone
Label Gabe
Country USA
Catalog Number B-1015
Genre slow cha cha
Location of Label:
Gabe Records Inc. P. O. Box 11083 Fort Worth, Texas
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History

The Bandleader Was My Dad

by Iris Martinez-S... (not verified), 02/26/2021 - 18:17

Is there anyway for me to purchase a copy of that song, as an Mp4 or Dropbox copy? Oscar Martinez was my dad. I had never heard that recording. I really would like a copy.

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