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Labios Delgaditos - Carlos Y Chuy

Labios Delgaditos

This cut is not slated, as this is a prepared / edited Reel. Handwritten date on the back of the actual Tape Box reads “11-24-69”. Tape Box contains a Processing Order / Letter dated “November 20,1969” in regards to Release #’s 2484, 2485 & 2486, addressed directly to George Trotter, asking for the usual “echo or whatever is needed”, on behalf of John F. Phillips, Mgr..

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Label Ideal
Catalog Number 2485-A
Recording Format Tape
Composer Silvestre - Carlos
Genre Ranchera
Performer Carlos Y Chuy
Performer Listed on Media Carlos Y Chuy
Recording Format Tape
Condition: E
Subject praise, woman, beauty, love, declaration
Track Number 3
Label Ideal
Country USA
Catalog Number 2485-A
Genre Ranchera
Staff Notes: This cut is not slated, as this is a prepared / edited Reel. Handwritten date on the back of the actual Tape Box reads “11-24-69”. Tape Box contains a Processing Order / Letter dated “November 20,1969” in regards to Release #’s 2484, 2485 & 2486, addressed directly to George Trotter, asking for the usual “echo or whatever is needed”, on behalf of John F. Phillips, Mgr..
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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