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Luisa Fernanda - Part 5 - Para comprar a un hombre - Angeles Ottein - Marcos Redondo With Orchestra Conducted By E. Acevedo

Luisa Fernanda - Part 5 - Para comprar a un hombre

This is the fifth part of what seems to be a musical.

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Label Decca
Catalog Number G-20673A
Matrix Number SO7638
Recording Format 78
Composer Moreno Torroba, F.
Accompaniment With Orchestra Conducted By E. Acevedo
Subjects high, tone, love, luxuries, entreaty
Performer Listed on Media Angeles Ottein - Marcos Redondo
Accompaniment With Orchestra Conducted By E. Acevedo
Recording Format 78
Condition: N-
Subject high, tone, love, luxuries, entreaty
Label Decca
Catalog Number G-20673A
Matrix Number SO7638
Staff Notes: This is the fifth part of what seems to be a musical.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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