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Mustafa - Orquesta De Pacho Galan vocal: Tere Y Erazo


Arr. P. Galan. (BAR-1468). Manufactured By Miami Records Dist. Corp. Miami Florida U. S. A.

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Catalog Number 5028-A
Recording Format 45
Composer Azan, B. - Maldonado, B.
Genre Porro Baiob
Accompaniment vocal: Tere Y Erazo
Subjects love, declaration
Performer Listed on Media Orquesta De Pacho Galan
Accompaniment vocal: Tere Y Erazo
Recording Format 45
Condition: N-
Subject love, declaration
Country USA
Catalog Number 5028-A
Genre Porro Baiob
Location of Label:
Miami, Florida
Staff Notes: Arr. P. Galan. (BAR-1468). Manufactured By Miami Records Dist. Corp. Miami Florida U. S. A.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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