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Que Te Pasa Corazon - Rosita Y Laura Conjunto de Chuy Compean

Que Te Pasa Corazon

Vocal slate states that this is cut #8 of the session. Tape Box contains manufacturing instructions / order for releases 905-A/B & 912-A/B,” dated April 24, 1953, stating “Release date June 4th”. Order details state “1,000 Pressings this number (78), 300 Pressings this number (45), Order 3,000 labels each side (78), Order 1,000 labels each side (45)”.

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Label Ideal
Catalog Number 905-A
Matrix Number R-905-A
Recording Format Tape
Composer Fuentes, Rubén - Cervantes, Alberto
Accompaniment Conjunto de Chuy Compean
Subjects love, complaint, betrayal
Performer Rosita Y Laura
Performer Listed on Media Rosita Y Laura
Accompaniment Conjunto de Chuy Compean
Recording Format Tape
Condition: N-
Subject love, complaint, betrayal
Track Number 5
Label Ideal
Country USA
Catalog Number 905-A
Matrix Number R-905-A
Staff Notes: Vocal slate states that this is cut #8 of the session. Tape Box contains manufacturing instructions / order for releases 905-A/B & 912-A/B,” dated April 24, 1953, stating “Release date June 4th”. Order details state “1,000 Pressings this number (78), 300 Pressings this number (45), Order 3,000 labels each side (78), Order 1,000 labels each side (45)”.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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