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Tonto - Graciela Ayala


Graciela (Chelita) Ayala

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Label Reloj
Catalog Number RE-161-A
Recording Format 45
Subjects love, declaration
Performer Graciela Ayala
Performer Listed on Media Graciela Ayala
Recording Format 45
Condition: E+
Subject love, declaration
Label Reloj
Country USA
Catalog Number RE-161-A
Location of Label:
Rt #1 - Box 300 Delray Bch., Florida
Staff Notes: Graciela (Chelita) Ayala
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History

I would like to hear that

by Angelina Martinez (not verified), 01/24/2023 - 22:49

I would like to hear that song she sings MI Compader or see the album she miss ayala has made

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