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Un Jibaro Arrepentido - Claudio Ferrer Y Su Conjunto, vocal: Vitín Y Claudio

Un Jibaro Arrepentido

Cantan - Vitin Y Claudio. Translation “Hill Billy”. This is song is interesting because it tells about the difficulties the singer has with the English language in the United States. He eventually sings a farewell because he going back to his homeland.

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Label Verne
Catalog Number V-0323A
Matrix Number MV1153
Recording Format 78
Composer Ferrer, Claudio
Genre Guajira
Accompaniment Y Su Conjunto, vocal: Vitín Y Claudio
Performer Claudio Ferrer
Performer Listed on Media Claudio Ferrer
Composer Ferrer, Claudio
Accompaniment Y Su Conjunto, vocal: Vitín Y Claudio
Recording Format 78
Subject farewell, regret, homecoming
Label Verne
Catalog Number V-0323A
Matrix Number MV1153
Genre Guajira
Staff Notes: Cantan - Vitin Y Claudio. Translation “Hill Billy”. This is song is interesting because it tells about the difficulties the singer has with the English language in the United States. He eventually sings a farewell because he going back to his homeland.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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