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El Vendedor De Cocos - Agustín Lara y su Piano

El Vendedor De Cocos

Song is recorded really low. In this song, the coconut vendor sells his coconut juice because they say that is used for “Brujeria” or witchcraft.

Canción Completa
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Sello Decca
Numero de Catalogo 10006B
Numero de Matriz DE46
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Lara
Género Pregón
Acompañamiento y su Piano
Temas humor, entreaty
Artista Agustín Lara
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Agustín Lara
Compositor Lara
Acompañamiento y su Piano
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: N
Tema humor, entreaty
Sello Decca
Numero de Catalogo 10006B
Numero de Matriz DE46
Género Pregón
Staff Notes: Song is recorded really low. In this song, the coconut vendor sells his coconut juice because they say that is used for “Brujeria” or witchcraft.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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