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Fermin Arevalo - Los Rebeldes Del Bravo

Fermin Arevalo

This corrido is a tribute to Fermin Arevalo who was well known man throughout the region. He got into the Mafia and became a bank robber. He robbed the bank in Ojinaga. One day he left his rancho on his way to Ojinaga when a car pulled up next to him and now he is incarcerated in the Islas Mujeres prison.

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Sello Joey
Numero de Catalogo 384-A
Formato de grabación 45
Compositor Samaniego, Pedro
Género Corrido
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Los Rebeldes Del Bravo
Compositor Samaniego, Pedro
Formato de grabación 45
Condición: N-
Tema praise, man, region, mafia, crime, outlaw, threat, incarceration
Sello Joey
Numero de Catalogo 384-A
Género Corrido
Location of Label:
6711 W. Commerce San Antonio, Texas 78227
Staff Notes: This corrido is a tribute to Fermin Arevalo who was well known man throughout the region. He got into the Mafia and became a bank robber. He robbed the bank in Ojinaga. One day he left his rancho on his way to Ojinaga when a car pulled up next to him and now he is incarcerated in the Islas Mujeres prison.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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