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Golondrina Viajera - Saul Martinez con Guitarras

Golondrina Viajera
Canción Completa
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Audio excerpt
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Sello Anfion
Numero de Catalogo 10-032-A
Numero de Matriz AB-065
Formato de grabación 78
Compositor Cárdenas, Guty
Género Clave
Acompañamiento con Guitarras
Artista Saul Martinez
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Saul Martinez
Compositor Cárdenas, Guty
Acompañamiento con Guitarras
Formato de grabación 78
Condición: E
Tema love, declaration, absence, despair, lament, animal, metaphor
Sello Anfion
Numero de Catalogo 10-032-A
Numero de Matriz AB-065
Género Clave
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History

Rights to "Golondrina Viajera"

de Agustin Gurza, 01/05/2022 - 17:47


Sorry about the late response to your message. I don't have any licensing information on this track, but it's on Anfion, an old, defuncrt label. I am a big fan of the singer Saul Martinez and the composer Guty Cardenas. Frontera has several other songs by Martinez on Anfion, all but one written by Cardenas. In my private collection, I have many Saul Martinez albums on the Orfeon label, based in Mexico City. It was a major independnet laebel in its day and apperars still to be active, judging from its website which has contact information. Sadly, however, they don't list any available catalog albums under the artist page of Saul Martinez

Good luck with the film. 





License Music Track

de Stephan Werk (not verified), 10/26/2020 - 10:39

Hi there,
I am an independent filmmaker living in Denver working on a documentary in Oaxaca, Mexico. Do you know how I can license this music track?

Thank you.

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