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Una Pequeña Oracion - Los Teen Tops vocal: Enrique Guzmán

Una Pequeña Oracion

Vocal: Enrique Guzman - Drums: Armando Martinez - Piano: Sergio Martell - Guitar: Jesus “El Tutti” Martinez - Drums: Rogelio Tenorio.

Canción Completa
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Sello Orfeon
Numero de Catalogo LP-13-2090
Formato de grabación 33
Compositor Bacharach - Guzman
Género Rock
Acompañamiento vocal: Enrique Guzmán
Artista Los Teen Tops
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Los Teen Tops
Compositor Bacharach - Guzman
Acompañamiento vocal: Enrique Guzmán
Formato de grabación 33
Lado A: a
Condición: VG
Número de pista 4
Título del álbum Teen Tops Vol. 1
Sello Orfeon
País Mexico
Numero de Catalogo LP-13-2090
Género Rock
Location of Label:
Orfeon Records Los Angeles, CA
Staff Notes: Vocal: Enrique Guzman - Drums: Armando Martinez - Piano: Sergio Martell - Guitar: Jesus “El Tutti” Martinez - Drums: Rogelio Tenorio.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History


de Agustin Gurza, 07/26/2018 - 11:51

Dear Gustavo: 

Thank you very much for the clarification about the line-up on this album. The credits listed under our “Staff Notes” are taken directly from the Orfeon LP liner notes. But since the album is a compilation of hits (“Discos del Millón”), it is possible the label did not make distinctions on the line-up for each individual track. You mention that Enrique Guzmán left the group in 1962 to pursue a solo career, although I found this article in El Universal that puts the year as 1961.

You’ve hit on a serious concern: the lack of research and detailed information in the liner notes of many of these albums. Often, these “greatest hits” compilations were slapped together to exploit the market. I wish the companies had consulted more knowledgeable people like you to provide complete information on the artists and their history. Liner notes can be great resources for music fans.


Agustín Gurza, Editor, The Frontera Collection


de Gustavo (not verified), 07/25/2018 - 05:34

This record (LP) plays music and songs by The Teen Tops and Enrique Guzmán, as their singer and also during his solo career. Enrique left the Teen Tops in 1962. Rogelio Tenorio played bass at their beginnings but left the group when they were about to record their first LP, and Enrique Guzmán took his place as the bass player. Greetings

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