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Yo Te Quiero A Ti - Valerio Longoria Y Su Conjunto

Yo Te Quiero A Ti

This cut appears to be an unissued version of the song “Yo Te Quiero a Ti”, which had a different version of this song (also by Valerio Longoria) released on Ideal as 1164-A. I added the prefix of “UN-” to the existing release number, strictly for cataloguing purpose. Tape Box has this cut as cut 4, though it is not slated, and the name is also crossed out on actual Tape Box. Cut is not slated.

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Sello Ideal
Numero de Catalogo UN-1164-A
Formato de grabación Tape
Compositor Clarich, Cristóbal
Género Bolero
Acompañamiento Y Su Conjunto
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Valerio Longoria
Compositor Clarich, Cristóbal
Acompañamiento Y Su Conjunto
Formato de grabación Tape
Condición: E
Tema love, declaration, woman
Número de pista 1
Sello Ideal
País USA
Numero de Catalogo UN-1164-A
Género Bolero
Staff Notes: This cut appears to be an unissued version of the song “Yo Te Quiero a Ti”, which had a different version of this song (also by Valerio Longoria) released on Ideal as 1164-A. I added the prefix of “UN-” to the existing release number, strictly for cataloguing purpose. Tape Box has this cut as cut 4, though it is not slated, and the name is also crossed out on actual Tape Box. Cut is not slated.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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