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La Tequilera - Lola Beltrán Con Los Charros De Ameca De Roman Palomar

La Tequilera
Canción Completa
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Audio excerpt
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Sello Peerless
Numero de Catalogo LPL-378
Formato de grabación 33
Compositor D’Orsay, Alfredo
Acompañamiento Con Los Charros De Ameca De Roman Palomar
Artista Lola Beltrán
Artista aparece en los medios de comunicación Lola Beltrán
Compositor D’Orsay, Alfredo
Acompañamiento Con Los Charros De Ameca De Roman Palomar
Formato de grabación 33
Lado A: b
Condición: VG
Tema boasting, drinking, alcohol, woman
Número de pista 5
Título del álbum En Homenaje A Lucha Reyes
Sello Peerless
País USA
Numero de Catalogo LPL-378
Location of Label:
Apartado 1657 Mexico, D. F.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

Notes & History

Compositor de "La Tequilera"

de Agustin Gurza, 05/06/2019 - 19:22

Hola, Sandra: 

You bring up an interesting question, which prompted me to do a quick search of my own. It seems like the composer of this famous song is listed by two different surnames, with the same first name. One is Alfredo D'Orsay, as we indicate based on the label credits. And the other is the name you provide, Alfredo Frias Sotelo.

At first I thought it might be two different people, but I now suspect we are referring to the same composer, listed differently. Many reliable sources, books and articles online, identify the songwriter as Alfredo D’Orsay. This is also the way the composer is listed in our database on the most famous version of the song, by Lucha Reyes, for whom it was written. But I found other sources that also identify him as Alfredo D’Orsay Sotelo, merging both versions. Here is an example from a Mexican website called Letra de Canción. I was unable to find a birography of the composer that would clarify the confusion. But I’m pretty sure he is one and the same.

Thanks so much for you interest in our music collection.

Agustín Gurza, Editor, The Frontera Project


Compositor de "La Tequilera"

de Sandra Castillo (not verified), 05/03/2019 - 21:27

El compositor es Alfredo Frías Sotelo

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