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Arnulfo Gonzalez - Los Pinguinos Del Norte Rubén Castillo Juárez - accordion, Antonio Pérez Juárez - bajo sexto, José Rodríguez De La Cruz - tolaloche, vocal: Rubén Castillo Juárez - Antonio Pérez Juárez

Arnulfo Gonzalez

This corrido is about Arnulfo Gonzalez who involved in a shoot with a “rural” all because the rural thought Arnulfo looked at him funny. (The Ballad Of Arnulfo Gonzalez), arrangement by Rubén Castillo Juárez. Recorded by Chris Strachwitz in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico. CD contains a 36 page insert with notes, pictures, transcriptions, translations and Track Listing.

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Catalog Number 9024
Recording Format CD
Genre Corrido
Accompaniment Rubén Castillo Juárez - accordion, Antonio Pérez Juárez - bajo sexto, José Rodríguez De La Cruz - tolaloche, vocal: Rubén Castillo Juárez - Antonio Pérez Juárez
Performer Listed on Media Los Pingüinos Del Norte
Accompaniment Rubén Castillo Juárez - accordion, Antonio Pérez Juárez - bajo sexto, José Rodríguez De La Cruz - tolaloche, vocal: Rubén Castillo Juárez - Antonio Pérez Juárez
Recording Format CD
Recording Date 09/16/2000
Subject death, murder, shootout, male, boasting
Track Number 13
Record Producer
Chris Strachwitz
Album title Trovadores De La Frontera
Country USA
Catalog Number 9024
Genre Corrido
Location of Label:
10341 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, California 94530
Staff Notes: This corrido is about Arnulfo Gonzalez who involved in a shoot with a “rural” all because the rural thought Arnulfo looked at him funny. (The Ballad Of Arnulfo Gonzalez), arrangement by Rubén Castillo Juárez. Recorded by Chris Strachwitz in Piedras Negras, Coahuila, Mexico. CD contains a 36 page insert with notes, pictures, transcriptions, translations and Track Listing.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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