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Dios Me Nego - Jimenez Jr., Santiago Victor Mermes - bajo sexto, Rufus Martínez - drums, Rubén Valle - bass, vocal: Santiago Jiménez Jr. - Victor Memes

Dios Me Nego

(Madre Querida), (God Denied Me). CD contains a 12 page booklet with notes, select transcriptions (with corresponding translations), and album Track Listing.

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Catalog Number 9016
Recording Format CD
Composer Ortiz, Tomas
Genre Canción
Accompaniment Victor Mermes - bajo sexto, Rufus Martínez - drums, Rubén Valle - bass, vocal: Santiago Jiménez Jr. - Victor Memes
Subjects lament, death, mother
Performer Listed on Media Santiago Jiménez Jr.
Composer Ortiz, Tomas
Accompaniment Victor Mermes - bajo sexto, Rufus Martínez - drums, Rubén Valle - bass, vocal: Santiago Jiménez Jr. - Victor Memes
Recording Format CD
Recording Date 02/24/1999
Subject lament, death, mother
Track Number 2
Record Producer
Chris Strachwitz
Album title El Corrido De Esequiel Hernández
Country USA
Catalog Number 9016
Genre Canción
Location of Label:
10341 San Pablo Ave. El Cerrito, California 94530
Staff Notes: (Madre Querida), (God Denied Me). CD contains a 12 page booklet with notes, select transcriptions (with corresponding translations), and album Track Listing.
Donated By: Chris Strachwitz

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